Tuesday, February 26, 2002
"New iMac: it's a hit!" More and more news companies confirm that Apple's newest hardware product seems to be recreating the same (or even more) sales than its original.
NewsFactor.com predicts that the flatpanel iMac will beat its greatest low-cost competitors again - like the original iMac did before.
Yahoo! even says that the new flatpanel iMac is Amazon's fastest-selling computer.
Seems that Apple did a great job with its newest consumer Macintosh.Posted by Corley @ 10:27 AM CST [Link] [15 comments]
Friday, February 22, 2002
"URL Zone updated" We updated the URL section. Now there are some more interesting links for Macintosh users.
To guarantee quality, we decided to list only really relevant and useful links. If you think you know a great link which you want to share with other Macintosh users, don't hesitate to inform us.
Have a look at the updated URL list here.
Posted by Corley @ 10:11 AM CST [Link] [18 comments]
Wednesday, February 20, 2002
"Be Inc. files suit against Microsoft" Be Incorporated, the company that fails with it's futuristic operating system BeOS, now claims that the Microsoft Corporation is responsible for the destruction of Be's business. Above all, Be has the opinion that Microsoft dealed with anticompetitive and illegal exclusionary acts to maintain it's monopoly on Intel compatible PCs. Be says that Microsoft did everything to make sure that Microsoft Windows is the only preinstalled operating system on PCs, so there wasn't any chance for BeOS to spread.
Read Be's press release about that and download the complaint here.
By now BeOS - the operating system made by Be Inc. - is sold to Palm, Inc. In late 1996, Jean-Louis Gassée (who formerly was "President of Apple Products"), CEO of Be, tried to sell BeOS to Apple in order to save the company he formerly worked for. Gil Amelio, Apple's CEO in 1996, thought the price for BeOS was much too high, so Apple bought NeXT's OPENSTEP, and rumours say Apple had to pay twice the price it would have paid for BeOS. Nice sideeffect: NeXT's CEO in 1996 was Steve Jobs - founder of Apple Computer and now Apple's CEO. [Author's opinion]Posted by Corley @ 10:44 AM CST [Link] [15 comments]
Saturday, February 16, 2002
"Bungie closes its gaming servers" Bungie, a company that developed a lot of great games for the Macintosh platforms (such as the Marathon series, the Myth series and Oni), now closes the doors on the Myth gaming servers for all time. In a press release Bungie (which now is part of the Microsoft Empire) says that developers can get the raw Myth II metaserver source code, if they want to build up a Myth II gaming server on their own.
And there is already a place for the Myth Game Server Development Community - the Myth Vault.
At the moment, Myth freaks are able to play Myth II on Mariusnet.com, a Myth TFL and SB server emulator. To learn more about the difference of Mariusnet and the old Bungie Gaming Servers, read this article.Posted by Corley @ 12:57 PM CST [Link] [3085 comments]
Saturday, February 9, 2002
"QuickTime beats them all..." Apple announced the new results for the year 2001: QuickTime added about 80 million new users, while about 75 million new users downloaded the products of RealNetworks, RealOne and RealPlayer.
The new version of QuickTime -QuickTime 5- was released about 10 months ago, and Apple believes that the existing user group of QuickTime will expand to 100 million until April 2002.
Read the full story here.
Posted by Corley @ 09:32 PM CST [Link] [357 comments]
Friday, February 1, 2002
"Apple recieves a Tech GRAMMY" Apple Computer is one of the recipients of the 2002 Technical GRAMMY Award. This award honors individuals and companies that made banbreaking contributions to the recording field.
GRAMMY.com says that Apple Computer is the leading architect according to combining computer technology and sound studios, because it helped and revolutionized the way music is written, produced, mixed, recorded and creatively imagined.
"The creation of the Macintosh sparked a flurry of creativity that continues today. With the Mac's powerful new processors and new, Apple-driven applications - such as DVD Studio Pro - Apple continues to build on its historic role in moving studio technology forward."
The awards will be presented on Feb. 26 at a ceremony a day before the 44th Annual GRAMMY Awards.
Read the full story at GRAMMY.com.Posted by Corley @ 04:55 PM CST [Link] [14 comments]
Monday, January 28, 2002
"Apple released three improved Power Mac models" Finally Apple broke the magical 1 Ghz barrier - with one of the new Power Macs.
Unfortunately Apple didn't make it to put a G5 processor into the new models, but nevertheless these machines were improved in speed an performance.
Best model is a 1 Ghz Power Mac G4 dual [combined performance of 15 billion floating point operations per second (15 gigaflops), Superdrive and a NVIDIA GeForce4 MX] followed by a 933 MHz Power Mac G4 [SuperDrive, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX] and a 800 MHz Power Mac G4 [ATI Radeon 7500, CD-RW drive]. All three models support up to 1.5GB of PC133 SDRAM.
Apple says: "The first Power Mac to blast through the 1GHz barrier, the new twin-engined G4 runs professional applications like Adobe Photoshop up to 72 percent faster — and crunches digital video over 300 percent faster — than a 2GHz Pentium 4-based PC."
Read more about the details at Apple's website.
Posted by Corley @ 03:02 PM CST [Link] [3041 comments]
Sunday, January 27, 2002
"Apple's new spot and "1984"..." Apple's new spot is - of course - all about the new flatpanel iMac.
Five different and mostly famous persons -Annie Leibovitz, Seal, Francis Ford Coppola, Jonothan Ive and Phil Schiller- try to demonstrate the advantages of Apple's new computer by showing what they think of it.
Even if the idea is not really banbreaking, most people think this is really a great ad. Here you can watch Apple's newest iMac spot.
Apple is not only one of the most innovative companies in the technology market, it also ran some of the most provocative and impressive spots in the history of technology advertisement.
About 18 years ago a spot called "1984" was aired. This is probably the greatest commercial Apple Computer ever ran, even if the original Macintosh - which it should promote - was never shown in that ad. Instead of that, the end of the spot was like this: "On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you'll see why 1984 won't be like "1984."
It was created by Apple's advertising agency Chiat/Day, and it was really obvious that this agency was inspired by George Orwell's visions in his homonymous book.
Some of these interesting commercials can be seen at this site.
[Author's opinion]Posted by Corley @ 04:26 PM CST [Link] [495 comments]
Friday, January 25, 2002
"Woz goes wOz..." Stephen Gary Wozniak, better know as Steve Wozniak or simply "Woz", has founded a new company called "wOz" ("Wheels of Zeus ").
The company's focus will be on designing new consumer electronics wireless products.
Steve Wozniak said: "wOz is designing new consumer electronics wireless products that will have universal appeal among consumers and corporations alike. Recent advances in global positioning software (GPS) systems and antenna technology coupled with the declining cost of processing power and two-way networking make the possibilities for new devices and services really exciting."
By the way: Woz was one of the three founders of Apple Computer in 1976. In 1985 Wozniak resigned from Apple.
[Author's opinion]Posted by Corley @ 07:53 PM CST [Link] [15 comments]
Thursday, January 24, 2002
"That's it - time to start" Well, most of the site is complete. Everything works, and the site should look good on any modern browser available for the Macintosh platforms.
I think now it's time to release these pages and wait for some comments to come ;-)...
It is surely a kind of risk to put so much time in creating a website that maybe isn't interesting for most computer users (because they use the wrong operating system...), but it was a lot of fun :-).
I know that macmoguls.com is far from perfect, but it is completely based on my own interests and ideas. Would be very great if I could improve it involving your ideas in the future.
Of course these pages are worth nothing if no one uses its features. So, check it out and contact me personally, if you don't want to post a comment.
Have fun!
macmoguls.comPosted by Corley @ 09:40 AM CST [Link] [16 comments]
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